DT4017 Robotic Pest Control
15 sessions (one semester)
2 or 3
A robot is a machine that can be programmed to perform complicated tasks automatically and somewhat autonomously. Robots have been a staple of science fiction literature and cinema for a long time, but they only came into widespread use in the 1990s, beginning with industrial applications, where they are commonly used for tasks such as assembling circuit boards, welding, and spray-painting car bodies. Beyond the factory, robotic trams and taxis are increasingly being deployed in cities around the world, and robotic vacuum cleaners and mops are making an appearance in offices and homes too. Pest control has to do with managing any animal, plant, or fungi that has a negative impact on human activities such as farming or gardening. Pests are controlled by mechanical means, for example by using nets to keep away insects; by cultural means, for example by educating farmers in methods to combat pests; by chemical means, for example by using pesticides; and by biological means such as by importing insects or animals that combat the pests.
A smart electronic device is a useful instrument, machine, or gadget that is controlled by electronic circuitry microcontroller boards, or sometimes by a single-board computer like a Raspberry Pi, and that perform only a few limited functions. We have many different kinds of devices at home, on our person, or at school to perform useful work for us, or to provide us with information, in order to increase our well-being.
The design brief
Design a robotic pest control device for automatic targetting and capturing or eliminating known biological pests in your neighbourhood or region, using simple electronic circuitry, or a microcontroller board like the Arduino. (Note that known pests are those that the national or local authorities or expert researchers classify as pests.) Your robotic pest control device should target only pests, preferably by mechanical means, without harming other living things. The robotic pest control device should only operate within your property boundaries. Construct a working prototype of your robotic pest control device and test it. Work on this project in a small team with a group of your classmates.
The design thinking process
Follow the six stages of the design thinking process to ensure that you are thorough and do everything necessary to succeed in your design project. First, you endeavour to understand the design topic and EMPATHISE with the needs of the users. With that understanding, you can DEFINE what is essential to the product or system that you are designing. Then you IDEATE, that is, you creatively come up with ideas and develop them. The next step is to PROTOTYPE your chosen design solution in a physical form and improve it through trial-and-error. Then you TEST your design idea to elicit the opinions of users. And finally, at the end of the process, you REFLECT upon your project to benefit from the experience. Use the appropriate methods from the Design Thinking for Schools website as you proceed along the design thinking process.
Note for teachers
Undertaking a student design project using electrical parts or microcontrollers such as Arduino requires:
- teachers who are able to supervise such a project;
- laboratories or workshops with electrical and electronic parts and tools;
- and students who are trained to work with electricity, tools, and equipment.
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